Since the wind towers’ surface is mostly smooth, turning rolls (also known as roller beds) are usually the best option. Loading and unloading is easy, and setup is somewhat short.
There are several types of turning rolls:
Important information:
Despite many manufacturers use traditional turning rolls for surface treatment, Motofil has developed special positioners for painting. In these positioners, the handling of the part is done without external contact, which results in a more effective painting process, with less need for corrections.
Due to the irregular geometry of this components, turning rolls are not a viable option, so manufacturers end up using lathe positioners. These positioners can be prepared for a manual operation or be integrated in a robotic welding installation.
Although cylindrical, some structures have a highly complex geometry, such as jackets. Here, to ensure that the robots can access the joints, it is necessary to be able to manipulate the part in 5 axes. Our main solution for this challenge is the use of orbital positioners and a robot in an optimal position, which usually means that he is "hanging" in a gantry with freedom of movement in X, Y, Z.
This combination not always guarantee that welding is possible, but it is the most flexible solution that best match the challenge of welding parts with such difficult access requirements.
Besides what was described in this article, there are many other factors that conditions the choice of a handling system (production volume, budget, manufacturing process, factory layout, ...). In the end, the best approach is to look at the challenge and discuss the best solution with an industrial machine manufacturer, like Motofil.
/ N/D