At Motofil we value and promote team spirit, as we believe that the company's success lies in each of its employees. We seek continuous improvement of products and processes and so we are looking for talented and creative professionals to be part of this culture of company innovation.
We always try to provide the necessary tools to develop new skills and challenge our employees to grow professionally and personally every day.
Would you like to grow with us?
Job applications
Don't be afraid and take a chance! Your future may be one email away.
Ílhavo, Aveiro, Portugal
Improving what already exists or creating something new are necessary steps to increase the value of our products and, thus, make a difference in several markets. We are looking for talented and creative professionals to be part of this culture of company innovation.
We are looking for people with a willingness to learn and the ability to apply use that knowledge in different scenarios and work environments.
Promoting trust and a creative work environment makes a more motivated team so, whenever it's possible, we rely on the individual and collective skills of our work teams to take on new projects or tasks.
Internal activities are organized often so the employees can relax and socialize shortly after a day's work. We also promote team building exercises, where collective effort is needed, which will certainly strengthen the interpersonal relationships of employees.